Sacrifices Ghanaian Music Producers Make

Producers’ Q&A is a platform where questions are put to Ghanaian Music Producers by the general public either to seek clarity or even gain information but above all , to create awareness of the Ghanaian music industry from the  Ghanaian producer’s perspective.

[fancyheading textcolor=”#0e3591″ heading=”h2″ align=”textcenter”]QUESTION #2: SACRIFICES  [/fancyheading]

We asked Ghanaian Music Producers if they had to sacrifice anything in order to become music producers and  here are their responses:

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”797″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”King Of Accra”] Yes, certainly . I sacrificed a lot to become a producer. First of all my time and secondly ,  all my money. 


I had to sit on my behind and practice for hours. Before that, i had to frown on outing and be at hush hush studios every time Hammer had a session so as to learn and pick inspiration from him on the first hand basis.


Then it got to a time when i had to pick up courage and start on my own. I had to spend years practicing in order to get my ideas up, its all about time and money spending. Spending money on gears like midi controllers and mpc’s are necessities because they help you get in the zone and feel like a producer. When you are just clicking, the feel is not there but its mostly time because you could have someone buy all these for you, but without time to practice you will just be full of nothing or sound like the trending beats.


Thats how i became a producer and my mentors heard of me from where they were.  To add to this , i  had to spend time again to go see certain people for knowledge if they had time to spare: you have to go to where the knowledge is.

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1449″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Seshi”]Sacrifices ? Yes , a lot. 


I wont mention though  .


 Mostly time and certain privileges had to be sacrificed
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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1318″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Guilty Beatz”]I didn’t sacrifice anything to become a producer [/blockquote][/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1474″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”TubhaniBeatz”]Yes, i had to sacrifice my study in Information Technology to do music production full time. 


I was doing very well there (School) but the passion was with music. [/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1251″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Drumroll”]I sacrificed a comfortable life to be a producer. I apologise,  i can’t go much into detail. 


What i can tell you is my mother had and still has so much faith in what i wanted to achieve she entrusted me with a huge sum to kick start my life as a musician and not even a producer because i didn’t even know the first thing about using FL studio then (2010/11). 


That capital could probably have taken me abroad to study in some big music school and make my comeback as certified producer or musician. I guess we’ll never know now.

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”600″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Fortune Dane”]I haven’t sacrificed anything. I was always strong willed and determined. [/blockquote][/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”541″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Ssnowbeatz”]I did not sacrifice anything to be a music producer, i had this dream since day 1, i mean since birth.[/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”796″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Two-Bars”]I’m still a student at The University of Ghana and this makes me sacrifice my study time sometimes to make beats. This is really challenging [/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1085″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”DennyMadeit”]Well, for sacrifice , i think to become a good producer, you need to devote a lot of time to develop your craft and expose your work to other producers in order to get better. [/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”420″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Kiddie Beatz”]Definitely time and money. I stay up for longer hours just to practice or learn something new ,as well as trying to keep in constant touch with a few producers such as Drumroll , itzCJ , King Of Accra and Peewee to gain more knowledge. I usually end up sleeping very late and waking up tired , but hey ! , the passion keeps me going.


 Secondly in all sincerity , i didn’t think that basic music production equipment would be very expensive. I had to use almost every penny i had saved up to get started. While my mates were buying TV’s , clothes and “pimping” their rooms, i was buying a Midi Keyboard , mixer , sound card and even waking up one morning to find out my laptop had been stolen ! [/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last]