Challenges Ghanaian Music Producers Face

Producers’ Q&A is a platform where questions are put to Ghanaian Music Producers by the general public to seek clarity and gain more information but above all , to create awareness of the Ghanaian music industry from the  Ghanaian producer’s perspective.

[fancyheading textcolor=”#0e3591″ heading=”h2″ align=”textcenter”]QUESTION #1: THE CHALLENGES [/fancyheading]

We asked what challenges Ghanaian Music Producers faced in the Ghanaian Music Industry and this is what they had to say:

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1449″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Seshi”]Challenges ?


1. The absence of active of laid down laws that protect the intellectual properties of producers.

2. The absence of a royalty system.

3. Absence of a tracking system like Nielsen Soundscan.

4. Artiste refusal to pay properly or at all. [/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”797″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”King Of Accra”]Music producers face many challenges. 


The first would be getting paid their due and this pertains to Ghanaian music. In my experience, when people approach you for work they want it cheap or for nothing. Big artistes let the fact that they get free beats get to their heads and they make it known to upcomers. They also expect to get work done for free. It’s not like when they sell a million copies of the tune you produced , you would see 1/4 of it because they never make any such agreements on paper. 


Another problem would be Knowing the legal aspects of production.  I bet many people do not know that if they make a beat , they have automatically written a song and are entitled to a fraction of sales due to their contribution on the work of art. I would advice producers to get lawyers and know the business aspect of making music and getting their worth from royalties because, your  kids will come and enjoy your royalties even after your demise.


In General, i think  the problems producers face will decrease if they learn.[/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1318″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Guilty Beatz”]One major issue is royalties. I think unless a producer has an artiste solely working with him or her. Once there’s loyalty between the two, when the artiste blows up , the producer will enjoy as much.[/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1474″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”TubhaniBeatz”]

We are not paid enough for all the work we do.


Imagine a single producer making beats , recording , mixing and mastering a song and then getting paid less than GHC300. Some even get paid less. Also, music producers don’t enjoy any form of royalty when a song they produce becomes a hit. The recording artiste takes all the money and credit.

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1251″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Drumroll”]Disrespect!! be blunt. Producers are disrespected everyday because our talents to create is taken lightly hence the situation of artistes not paying for our services. 


 If producers got paid for all their hardwork, you would find us setting up our own studios, buying proper equipment to better our workflow and even help out underground artists who are less privileged to afford paying for studio sessions.

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”541″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Ssnowbeatz”]The common challenge music producers encounter is not getting the chance to exhibit their talent , especially if that producer is an upcoming producer.[/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”796″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”Two-Bars”]Personally, I think the only problem that producers face in Ghana is the inability of the artiste to recognize and appreciate them.


 For instance, if you want to give an artiste a beat and you call him/her, the kind of behaviour they put up is really embarrassing.They make it seem like you’re begging them to be on your beats. Some artistes forget that these are the same beats that give them the hit songs. [/blockquote][/three_fourth_last]

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[one_fourth][artist postid=”1085″][/one_fourth]

[three_fourth_last][blockquote align=”justify” cite=”DennyMadeit”]

The challenges we face as producers in Ghana has to do with appreciation, encouragement and endorsements.We don’t get enough props from the general public for most of our hard work.[/blockquote] [/three_fourth_last]

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