Dr Cryme known is real life as Darlington Kwasi Agyekum who is the founder of the Twipop genre cements his position in the rap fraternity once again.

Affectionately called 6-star General or Tema Eminem by his fans, he finally dishes out his latest project dubbed “Kwasi” which is his native name.

The EP tends to reassure fans and music lovers the rapper’s prowess hasn’t diminished nor faded out since he came off initially as a rapper.

Aside from having the special of singing very well, he decides to presents the world with a fully-equipped Hip-hop project.
Dr Cryme recruits two of Ghana’s finest new school rappers namely Ypee and Amerado on the first song titled “Wo Soa”
Again, he introduces another talented upcoming female vocalist by name Tammy who delivered an awesome hook and chorus on “I Wanna Turn Up”
During his early days as a musician, Dr Cryme has few songs with his longtime brother Stay Jay and it is no wonder he features him on the third song “Kropot” (Coal pot).

The rapper jumps on critics in “Too Known” and states that people only decide to talk about him when he is busily doing his thing. Well, he doesn’t recognize them.

“Atanfo” which features Flema T is the first single off the Kwasi EP. Dr Cryme made a careful selection of artistes for the EP to in order to get that perfection.

One thing that makes the title unique and fascinating is the fact that “Kwasi” represents the first letter of each song title.
In clearer terms, K-ropot, W-o Soa. A-tanfo, and I-Wanna Turn Up. The title of the EP defines the theme of the songs.

Stream/Buy: https://songwhip.com/drcryme/kwasi