[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/gh/album/daavee/id1230257039″ color=”belizehole” style=”flat” fullwidth=”false”]BUY ”Daavee”[/button]
Available On iTunes.
MzVee releases her third studio album, ‘Daavee’ after the successful release of two albums, ‘Re-Vee-Lation’ in 2014 and ‘Verified’ in 2015. The 12-track ‘Daavee’ album has songs like ‘Nobody Else’, ‘Rewind’, ‘My Lover’, ‘Feel Alright’, ‘No Be Say I Like You’, ‘I Will Fly’ among others. Black Prophet, Article Wan, Kidi, Ko-Jo Cue are some of the artistes MzVee featured on the album.. Take a listen , drop a comment , purchase , and SHARE .
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