Kwaw Kese and Kanye West Set to release a song ?

Ghanaian music artiste Kwaw Kese today posted a picture with American Music superstar Kanye West with the Caption .

 ” #MakingMoves just met @kanyewest at the Mercer Hotel..,. Coolest dude “

Which moves are they making? Is a collaboration on the cards ?  check the tweet out.

[one_third][/one_third] [one_third]Kwaw Kese[artist postid=”3962″][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]

Kwaw Kese and Kanye West to release a song .jpg

Kwaw Kese and Kanye West Set to release a song ?

Kwaw Kese and Kanye West Set to release a song ?