[button link=”https://itunes.apple.com/ro/album/orange-card-fruitopian-raps/id1230144411″ color=”belizehole” style=”flat” fullwidth=”false”]BUY ”Orange Card: Fruitopian Raps”[/button]
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“Orange Card: Fruitopian Raps” is a tip-off to Wanlov‘s “Green Card” Album which is 10 this year. Wanlov the Kubolor made sure to work mostly with Kweku Ananse who also produced most of “Green Card” to bring back those rap vibes you know Kubolor for. Orange is an uplifting color and represents wealth. A Fruitopian is someone who loves fruits. “Orange Card: Fruitopian Raps”. Take a listen , comment and SHARE .
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Released: April 26, 2017
Artwork by: Bright Ackwerh
Pidgen Music